Sunday, December 1, 2013

Things I Discovered While on I-5

1. Old people always use hangers instead of suitcases. I swear, the backseats of their cars were full of them!
2. People with trailers get their trucks to match. I can't tell you how many trucks I saw with red pinstripes down the length of it, just so it could match with the trailer they were lugging behind them.
3. Most families have portable dvd players. We were included in this category (we watched Lady and the Tramp about six times).
4. Cow farms smell, like really bad. In the words of little Rowan: It smells like poop! POOOOOP!!!
5. Red vines are too expensive at the rest stops. Let's just say they cost more than $2 and you only get like 5 of them. Now that is just a sin.
6. Good moms pack snacks. We had cookies, and capri suns, and more cookies. It was awesome.
7. People still do litter pick up in the middle of nowhere. There was a man about an hour past Harris Ranch just doing his thing and picking up trash on the side of the road.
8. Rowan does in fact get car sick. We were in the midst of the grapevine around 8pm when Rowan began screaming at the top of his lungs, then proceeded to vomit. EVERYWHERE. I was horrified.
9. I hate the sounds of children screaming. Below is a picture to prove my point.

10. During the drive, I often forgot where I was. I just started looking around and all I saw were hills. Like, everywhere. 

As a bonus point, I would also like to mention that Caden slept through all of Rowan's episode. By episode, I mean from the beginning of his screaming at the grapevine, through his vomiting everywhere, through us pulling over and cleaning him up, and finally, all the way to my brother's house. What a trooper. 

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