Saturday, January 11, 2014

Things that don't make sense to me.

Things that don't make sense to me:

1. I keep seeing all these recipes on Pinterest about "calorie free desserts." Ummm isn't that just a fancy term for water? And what about low calorie-guilt free cupcakes?! Let me tell you something. I don't eat cupcakes very often. So if by chance I decide to eat a damn cupcake, you better believe I'll be eating all the guilt that comes with it.

2. Fruit salad as a dessert option. I can understand if you want something sweet and you are all your dinner but don't want to take in all the sugars of a cake or pie or cookies. That makes sense to me. BUT, if you are out to dinner and you look at the dessert section on the menu and you see a fruit salad, I would run. Run fast. It's a trap.

3. I like eating healthy. I like how I feel refreshed and not like a spud who has been soaking in a deep fryer for the past 45 years. With that being said, I can't stand it when I'm grabbing a bag of lettuce from the grocery store and there is a list of ingredients where I can't even pronounce half of the items listed. Long gone are the days where "spinach, carrots, and mixed greens" were the only words on the ingredient list. AND, if I want the bag that says just that, I have to pay an extra $3. Who do you think I am? I had to look under couch cushions to find the change that paid for the cheap bag of "lettuce." What makes you think I can afford an expensive one??

4. I don't understand why I never hear about certain people getting punched in the face. If I think you're annoying, chances are everyone else will think that too. So why hasn't anyone ever dealt with your annoyance by giving you a little love tap to the face? Someone needs to serve those people a tall glass of fruit punch!

5. Lastly, I don't know why it's been almost a month since I last played Cards Against Humanity. That game is legit. Where else can you sit around a table with your family and read cards out loud that have profanity written all over them and have it all be deemed acceptable? Hashtag, who is coming over next week to play?!
Just kidding, I don't own the game. But I do have Apples to Apples and some popcorn.

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