Sunday, July 6, 2014

People of Bart

Over the past few days (ok, months), I've been contemplating on what I should write about. I keep seeing all of these crazy things in Vallejo, so I thought to myself: Should I write about Vallejo again or is it too soon? The answer I gave myself was that it was too soon, however, I haven't done a post about Bart. So guess what! Bart is my topic for the day!

Last summer I spent the majority of my time working in San Francisco at the Americas Cup Pavilion. This meant that I took bart. A lot. I made an album on Facebook dedicated to the wild and outrageous sightings during the 45-minute ride to and from the city. 

The other day I took Bart to the Pride Parade when something amazing happened! I found a woman sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowd! I swear, she coined the word "Hippy."

Anywho, below are my pictures of Bart, which can also be found on my Facebook in case you're my friend on there.

She spoke "alien" and loves the color blue. She also hates it when random people take photos of her. Whoops!

This man spoke to a walkman. According to him, "Shane poisoned my ice cream and now i cant eat it!" He proceeded to throw his ice cream (haagen dazs, the good stuff).

Although this is a blurry picture, the focus should be on his arm. This man had an arm tattoo of the Three Stooges. Larry, Curly, and Moe would be proud. I, on the other hand, find this rather weird.

Why yes. That is a used diaper. Please excuse me while I throw up now.
I wonder if he knows that this train doesn't go to Wizzard School.

Where the hell did the front half of her pants go!?

This man went on a yelling rant throughout bart, accusing two of my coworkers of being lesbians. Lesbihonest for a minute. I wouldve feared for my life if I were them.

This woman replaced her baby with shit ton of bags. No baby in sight. Not even when she got off at her stop! Hashtag: That Shit Cray.

Old people looking at a map that im sure dates back to the early 1900s (much like the ones my grandparents use).

Drunk. Passed out. Woke up. Asked a stranger if she could buy a bag from him so she could throw up. NASTSASS.

This woman is a legit hippy to be able to sit comfortably on Bart. On the floor. When it is crowded. And we are on Bart. BART.

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