Day 1: It's 7:45am and I am getting ready to walk out of my house and to my car. It's my last first day of class today and all I can think of is, "Dear Traffic Gods, Please let there be no traffic. Please let me get to class without an urge of flipping people off and have untamed fury raging through my veins."
This was a real thought I had when I stepped into my car and started Precious (my car) up. Misery flooded my brain and heart as I made my way down my street and onto the dreaded Highway 37.
First things first (yes I am the realest), traffic was absolutely horrendous on my first day of school. Every Tom, Dick, and Jane decided that my first day of my senior year of college was also Make-Madison's-Blood-Boil Day.
Never in my life have I seen so many cars on the road at one time, unless it's a holiday. BUT, I guess I did mention that all the people in the world made this a holiday just for me, so in theory, that day was a holiday.
Ok. Let's flash forward to me actually being on Highway 37. There is so much construction throughout the marsh restoration area, for a split second I thought the Traffic Gods were giving me a sign. They were telling me "I know Madison. Traffic is bad today. But soon, it will be better. Soon, there will be two lanes and not one. Soon, you will have limited road rage. Soon, the suffering will be over." I really did think this. Of course, it seemed too good to be true, sooooooo I did some research. It turns out that there will be no second lane when driving from Vallejo to Marin County! My heart sank into the bottom of my stomach as I continued to read about the restoration.
Not only is there going to be ONE lane for what seems like forever, but the restoration people plan to turn all that mess they have going on into a lake-ish thing that "will be open to the public to explore on foot, bicycle or kayak (Read More Here)."
Do these people realize that there is one lane with a barrier protecting people from the only other lane on 37 going in the opposite direction!? How the hell are people going to get over to this new "sanctuary?!"
Ok. Let's say that people do decide they want to check this marsh out once it is complete. I have two problems with this:
1. Traffic is already terrible. Do they realize how much more miserable it will be with folks coming from BOTH directions on 37 at the same time!? Ain't no body got time for that! Especially when I am just trying to get to and from school as quickly and efficiently as possible. You marsh people are ruining my life!
2. I thought the point of there only being one lane in each direction was because the marsh people needed to protect the land/endangered species living there. If so, then why are you creating something that is going to allow people all over the land with their kayaks and their littering? Have you been smoking the ganja!?
In conclusion, the Traffic Gods do not like me very much and the feeling is mutual.
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